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Distorted thinking may interfere with annual resolutions list

It is the time of the year that many individuals will begin to think about New Years resolutions. Reflecting on live over the past year and contemplating changes during the New Year, is a ritual that runs like clockwork for many people.

Why do so many “resolutioners” fail at achieving most, if not all of their resolves? The health clubs and jogging trails, diet centers, and smoking cessation programs have sudden surges in use for the first few weeks of the year. This is often followed by a high drop-out rate within days or weeks.

One of the reasons that people “fail” at New Years resolutions is because of the irrational, distorted thinking that they employ when they make their resolutions.

For example, “I want to lose at least 5 lb per week on my diet. If I don’t lose weight at this rate, then I am a failure and should quit trying.” Why not set a more reasonable weight loss goal and learn to accept variations in weight loss over time as a normal and healthy part of a successful diet.
Another example is the procrastinator’s desire to change. Ineffective thinking might include such beliefs as, “I want to quit being so much of a procrastinator this next year. However, I have been this way for so long that I don’t know if I can change. If I do quit procrastinating it can only be done if other people change too.” A better recipe for success would be to commit to the ability to change and then learn the skills that decrease the tendencies to procrastinate. The procrastinator’s change is not other people’s responsibility. People can only change themselves.

Finally, there is the individual desiring to be more financially responsible. “My New Years resolution is to be on a budget and save money. However, my friends have seen me spend a lot of money and I don’t want them to think that I am broke.” A healthier perspective instead would be to think “being financially responsible is a sign of maturity and responsibility. If my friends judge my abilities on the amount of money I spend then I probably need another set of friends.”

Are you preparing to make some New Years resolutions? If so, consider your thoughts and plans carefully. Make them reasonable, sensible, and healthy.

Happy New Year.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2002

Don’t let work deadlines get the best of you

Distorted thinking may interfere with annual resolutions list