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Dysthmyia a very treatable mood disorder

Dysthymia, sometimes called Depressive Neurosis or Depressive Personality, is a type of mood disorder frequently seen by mental health professionals. The individual suffering from dysthymia experiences a depressed mood for at least two years and is never without symptoms for more than two months at a time. The depression persists most of the day, for more days than not. While in this depressed mood the individual may experience several of the following associated symptoms:

lack of energy or chronic fatigue
diminished appetite or overeating
difficulties in making decisions and/or concentration
sleep difficulties including insomnia
poor self-concept
feelings of helplessness and/or hopelessness

Children and adolescents can also be diagnosed as dysthymic if they display either depressed or irritable mood for at least one year.

The individual suffering from dysthymia generally experiences the first symptoms of this disorder during childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood.

Although not seen as a severe disorder, the symptoms are chronic and psychoactive substance dependence or abuse is not uncommon.

Unlike those individuals suffering from major depression, another mood disorder, social and occupational functioning is only mildly or moderately affected.

Children and adolescents suffering from depression often experience problems in school, social relationships, and normal interest patterns.

Adult females are more often diagnosed as dysthymic than males. Children and adolescents experience the disorder in about equal numbers.

As in other mood disorders, depression is often seen from one generation to the next or between siblings.

As in other forms of depression, treatment of dysthymia is highly successful. A combination of medication and psychotherapy is often utilized after the initial evaluation has been completed. Recent advances in psychopharmacology have produced medications with few if any side effects and free from addictive potential. Psychotherapy often involves techniques to assist the individual develop healthier self-esteem and more effective coping skills.

Positive results are often seen in a matter of weeks, creating a new sense of hope, optimism, and improvement in relationships. Dysthymia is a very treatable mood disorder.

Copyright c 1994 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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