

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Getting Hooked On The Helper’s High

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

Recently I attended a volunteer recognition dinner where you spoke briefly about the benefits of volunteerism.

You mentioned a term that caught my attention, “The helpers high.” During my many years of volunteerism, I have felt a peace and sense of joy that is very intense and profound after providing help as a volunteer.

Can you please write on the benefits of volunteerism in hopes of encouraging your readers to derive their own benefit by providing random acts of kindness?

-A reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

The rewards of volunteerism are numerous. Here are but a few of these blessings.

• Volunteering is a way to share your personal gifts and lifetime experiences with others.

• Many people experience the “attitude of gratitude” and begin to recognize their own blessings when they help others who are far less fortunate and in need.

• Helping others can be of great assistance in deflating negative self-centeredness and self-absorption. Focusing on the needs of others rather than on one’s own perceived problems is one of the greatest elixirs that exist for enhancing a person’s mental health. It is said that when we care for others we care for ourselves.

• Volunteering provides the chance for people to try something new and challenges them to work outside their comfort zone. Many volunteers find a new talent when they begin helping others and continue to fine-tune already existing talents.

• Volunteering can allow individuals to fulfill lifelong dreams and ambitions. Many volunteers choose to serve in an area that fulfills their inner-most desires, which too often have taken a backseat to school, career, and family.

• Volunteering opens doors to new communities, friends, and professional contacts. You can develop or share networking skills, improve organizational or management expertise, and increase interpersonal proficiency.

• Many volunteers find that their volunteer service builds confidence, self-esteem, and healthy attitudes as they help others. Finding new skills and talents, meeting new people, and serving others can truly help you feel good about yourself.

• Volunteering is a great way to explore possible career options, and it allows you to discover whether or not you like certain kinds of work without making drastic career changes.

It can be a life-changing experience for everyone involved. Remember, many who start volunteering become “hooked” for life.

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