

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Hobbies make life interesting

Everyone needs an interest outside of his regular work. Hobbies provide pleasure and diversion from the boredom, tedium and sometimes hectic work that we have.

Choosing a hobby can happen through circumstances or surroundings, or it can happen strictly by choice. Most people have at some time or other collected some object or specimen. Stamps, coins, autographs, art, antiques, postcards, nature objects, relics, etc. are all collectibles. Other people develop a talent. Photographers spend hours waiting for the right moment to click the shutter. Artists sketch, paint and seek new ways to express on canvas or on some other material. Craftsmen work with woods, metals and plastics. Nature and science provide an endless variety of interests. Right now, star gazers are searching the skies for a glimpse of Halley’s Comet.

I personally feel that whatever hobbies anyone has, whether as a youngster or as an adult, one of them should be a sports activity. Other hobbies may be discarded in a few years, but a sports activity can be lifelong. The longer you play an athletic game or watch it as a spectator, the more proficient you become. The challenge is always there; therefore, the fascination is kept at a high level.

I was an avid golfer in my college days and still enjoy the game, but as life goes on I have found that I can develop new and different outlets. A year or so ago I took a course in scuba diving and found there are few similarities between studying underwater creatures and performing the tasks that I normally engage in during my work day. I found a new hobby.

Although I have jogged regularly for the past 10 years, and have enjoyed the physical exercise, I now find I enjoy it even more as I allow my mind to roam and contemplate anything I so desire during this time.

Hobbies can serve as a way of bringing family members together in a common endeavor. Learning some new and different skills can provide family members with an enjoyable and pleasant time, as well as open avenues of communication that may not be used during other times of the day. Family camping or backpacking trips are excellent means of diversion. One family I know grew closer working together renovating an old house boat.

For individuals who are not physically able to participate in active pursuits, weaving, stamp collecting or raising violets may be excellent diversions. Generally, it is a good idea to develop several hobbies so that one can perform a variety of pursuits.

Other ways to investigate a hobby are:

Visit your local hobby shop.
Check with the evening educational programs at nearby colleges.
Check into crafts and hobbies for senior citizens.
Explore various alternatives with friends who already have established hobbies.
Go to the public library. Look up topics that interest you. If it becomes drudgery or work, discard it and look for something new. Returning to the task at a later time may change your perspective. Don’t explore a subject in which you already have adequate knowledge. Try something new and different.
And, if you have no hobby or interest, this might by the year to make a resolution to find one. It might be good for your health. And remember, as long as you have a hobby you will always be interested and interesting.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 1985

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