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Keys to solving problems without adding stress

Individuals with successful problem solving abilities also possess wonderful stress management tools that help them deal with life’s challenges.

Successful problem solvers are often optimists and view adversity in a completely different manner from their less than successful counterparts who often become overwhelmed with problems, depressed, and unable to deal with life’s adversities. Problems solvers deal well with new challenges but are not necessarily smarter, more educated, or even more experienced. They are, however, more skilled in thinking about problems in ways that permit them to find solutions with less wear and tear on themselves, physically and emotionally. They are often described as being able to “think outside of the box.”

Problem solving skills may include the following:

• Successful problem solvers avoid the tendency to magnify the elements of the problem and make a mountain out of a molehill. They are not overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem itself. These individuals avoid letting anxiety and distorted thinking erode their logical, rational ability to think through solutions.

• Successful problem solvers are able to redefine a problem situation and when given lemons in life, they choose to make lemonade. They do not “over-define” things as problems.

• Creative problem solving is more often achieved in an atmosphere free from distraction. A quiet time at a certain part of the day, a long walk or drive in the country may enable a person to more easily find solutions to difficult problems.

• Giving the unconscious part of the mind the opportunity to seek solutions is a strength of many successful problem solvers. Waking up in the middle of the night with the solution to a difficult problem or even having a dream that guides the problem solver through the obstacles they are facing are but two such examples.

• Avoiding pessimism and self-pity are essential elements of successful problem solving. Looking outside of one’s own circumscribed world for possible solutions and not being limited to pre-determined numbers or type of solutions are important skills.

During this New Year, take some of these suggestions and give yourself the opportunity to learn new problem solving skills. Often, backing away from your problems and giving them a rest will allow solutions to emerge and sudden insights to occur.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2002

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