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Managing stress important to overall health

Recognizing the importance of the mind-body connection, health care professionals emphasize the psychological aspects of wellness on a routine basis. As more information about the relationship between stress and health problems is provided, let's consider some important principles of stress management and evaluate our lifestyles as we enter the New Year.

Many individuals experience some irrational and erroneous thoughts which produce stress.

• Do you try to please everyone and feel that it is your responsibility to make them happy?
• Does your vocabulary contain a lot of "shoulds" and "oughts" which make you feel more responsible than is realistic and necessary in many situations?
• Are you a "control freak" with excessively high needs for perfection?
• Do you often assume that you are at fault when something goes wrong?
• Are you able to evaluate your strengths and limitations in a realistic and objective fashion?
• Are you able to accept criticism in a healthy fashion?
• Are you referred to as a "workaholic?"
• Do you feel trapped and uncomfortable when you have leisure time?

After resolving to rid yourself of the erroneous thoughts and irrational beliefs you have, see if you can answer the following statements affirmatively.

Aware that ineffective use of time can lead to more stress...

• I am able to set priorities and not overload myself with unnecessary commitments.
• I can delegate responsibility and tasks effectively.
• I can say no when needed and when appropriate.
• I don't let clutter and disarray interfere with my activities at home or at the workplace.

And since I know poor habits and health practices and make coping with stressful situations more difficult...
• I eat properly, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
• I am able to relax and enjoy life with friends, family, and hobbies.
• I try to surround myself with happy people.
• I enjoy laughter and humor.
• Abusive patterns of behavior with substances such as alcohol and tobacco are not problems for me.
• I maintain good relationships with family and friends.
• I believe that my state of mind has a positive effect on my state of health.

Stress levels vary with each individual. In the right amount, stress is healthy. With too little stimulation, we become bored. The key is to find your own optimal level of performance.

Get in touch with yourself, change the attitudes or practices which can make your life less stressful and healthier.

Copyright c 1997 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

Mental, physical health go hand in hand

Coping tools to make life more palatable