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Medical, psychological hypnosis useful

Many individuals experience a hypnotic like state on a daily basis, being so focused and intensively involved in something that they are unaware of any competing thoughts or activities. For example, the individual in deep thought while driving toward a particular destination may find that he or she has passed their destination many minutes or miles before, thus experiencing a phenomenon known as “road hypnosis.” Or, in another example a child is so transfixed in a television show that he or she does not hear their parent repeatedly calling them to dinner. The child is also in an altered state of consciousness and trance like state akin to hypnosis.

Likewise, the very persuasive sales person, politician, or entertainer has often developed a style of communication that encourages intense focus on their message and suggestions. The recipient of their message becomes completely enthralled and captivated and this increases the likelihood that the recipient will think, feel, or behave in the manner suggested to them. Some experts believe that a form of hypnosis is present in these situations.

Hypnosis has many medical and psychological uses including the following:

• Stress management – hypnosis can help the individual learn to manage tension and reduce psychological reactivity thus lowering blood pressure, promoting healthy sleep patterns and coping better with the fast pace of modern society.

• Pain management - hypnosis can help individuals alter their perception of bodily sensations so that pain can perceive in a less excruciating manner. The goal in pain management is not to make pain disappear but instead change the individual’s perception of the painful sensations so that they can better accomplish desired activities. Self-hypnosis can help the individual learn to continue to develop and enhance their own pain modification program.

• Habit control – smoking sensation, eating disorders and other compulsive - like behaviors can often be altered through the use of hypnosis. These techniques when practiced regularly in the form of self-hypnosis can decrease the likelihood of relapse back into the undesirable behavior pattern of smoking, overeating, etc.

• Assistance in concentration and memory – hypnosis can enhance the ability to recall past events in certain instances. It can assist persons wishing to decrease distractibility and increase their ability to focus their attention such as in study situations or speech preparation.

Benefit from hypnosis is enhanced when conducted by a trained professional. The skills and techniques necessary to make hypnosis effective in healthcare and psychology are generally derived from training in medicine, psychology and dentistry.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2000

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