

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

The New Year

The New Year

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

My New Years resolution is to try to live and enjoy one day at a time.
I seem to be always waiting for tomorrow to bring me happiness and I practice what I have heard you refer to as “as soon as thinking.” Please write about this.

Dear Reader: Many people are led through life by "As Soon As" thinking.”

Sample scenario:

"Things will get better as soon as I finish school.”
"Things will get better as soon as I find a job.”
"Things will get better as soon as I get a raise.”
”Things will get better as soon as I get married.”
"Things will get better as soon as I get my house and car paid for.”
"Things will get better as soon as the children grow up.”
"Things will get better as soon as I retire.”

Setting and achieving goals can help individuals move forward in life, however for many, satisfaction never really seems to occur, even when the milestones are achieved, these individuals rarely stop and smell the flowers. Instead,
they keep thinking that happiness is just over the next hill, an elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or ship that never quite comes into port for them.

I'm not speaking here of those who recognize their accomplishments and then enjoy the fruits of their labor. Instead I am speaking of those who make such statements as "I feel that life has passed me by" or "I never took the time to really get to know my children,” "I never seemed to have time to make many friends,” I never took time to peruse any hobbies.” Most of these things were postponed and were to have been done "As soon as…” The following suggestions may help:

Listen to yourself talk, reflect on your words, and change this pattern of thinking and behavior.

Periodically step back from your daily routine and look at your life in a larger perspective. Are you really pursuing goals that will make you and those important to you happy?

Remember that often, more than half the fun in life is getting there. Don’t miss the joy of the process as you race to the finish line.

Don't decide to approach this problem “AS SOON AS" you have time or when things start to get better. Begin now and have a Happy New Year.

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