

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

 A Couch Potato Wants To Change

A Couch Potato Wants To Change

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I am very overweight and have developed diabetes. My doctor has told me to begin exercising, but I’ve always found an excuse in the past to not start or quit. I need a new mind-set to help me get started and continue.

— A reader in Oklahoma

Dear Reader:

The following are some of the most frequent reasons people give for not starting or continuing an exercise program.

• Not enough time.

This excuse boils down to how you set your priorities. Does watching TV, idly chatting on the phone or browsing the Internet help establish and maintain good physical and mental health? These passive activities can be part of a sedentary lifestyle needing change.

• Exercise is boring.

It doesn’t have to be if you seek out a form of exercise suited to your personality or interest pattern. An extrovert, someone gregarious and outgoing, may enjoy Zumba dancing or walking in a group. An introvert, on the other hand, may find that jogging or swimming offers the chance to process and contemplate the world during periods of peace and solitude. Exercising on a treadmill or stationary bicycle while reading a book, listening to music or watching the news can divert the attention of the exerciser away from the repetitive activity of the exercise itself.

• I can’t afford a health club and a trainer.

You don’t have to belong to a health club, although many have very reasonable rates. Jog, walk or bicycle in the neighborhood, Climb stairs when available, do video exercises, mow the lawn or run the vacuum cleaner. Obviously, the amount of time and the effort put into these activities must be considered.

• When I exercise, I always end up too sore or hurting myself.

Injuries or soreness usually occur because of trauma or overuse. Ask your physician what kind of exercise is best for your medical condition. The pounding on the ankles, knees and hips during jogging may be less suitable for some individuals. Risks of this happening seem to occur more frequently with advancing age, history of previous injury, overuse, overdoing the activity or being overweight. Substituting activities such as swimming, bicycling or brisk walking can alleviate many of these problems. Begin exercise programs slowly, and gradually increase the activity level.

As any regular exerciser will tell you, “Exercise is not a disruption or an option, but an essential part of healthy living.”

 Enjoy Your Life Now Don’t Live In The Past Or Wait For The Future

Enjoy Your Life Now Don’t Live In The Past Or Wait For The Future

Caregiver stress comes in many forms

Caregiver stress comes in many forms