

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Am I A Problem Drinker?

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I have been the foreman in a large manufacturing plant for the past 25 years. During this time, I have seen many employees with alcohol and other drug problems, but I think that alcohol problems have escalated over the past five to 10 years.

Recent media coverage confirms my observations about the number of employees that are continuing to work while having active substance abuse problems that are harmful to the employee, the employer and other employees. Safety, productivity and morale, can all be hurt by alcohol problems in the workplace.

Please write on this topic in your newspaper column.

-A foreman in Indiana

Dear Foreman:

Many people with alcohol problems have families, maintain jobs and are involved in church and community activities. The devastating effect of alcohol on the person’s health, spouse, children, work performance and quality of life are often overlooked or excused by well-meaning employers, family members and friends.

Often a person may be in direct contact with someone displaying the physical, mental, social and spiritual deterioration accompanying alcoholism and not realize what is happening.

Alcoholism has often been called a disease of denial. Victims and their families, friends and employers often do not face the truth of the substance abuse until there is a major financial, physical, family, social or legal consequence.

A key feature of addiction is continued use of the substance despite negative consequences.

Examples of questions that can help determine if problems with alcohol exist are as follows:

• Has my drinking affected my work performance, efficiency or ambition?

• Has my drinking caused me to feel guilty, experience sleep difficulties, have memory loss or other health problems?

• Has my drinking made my home life unhappy? Has it caused abusive or less responsible behaviors, resulting in the desire to be alone when drinking, or initiated a search to find other problem drinkers to drink with?

• Do I crave a drink at a certain time each day, or even the next day?

• Do I tell myself that I can stop drinking any time I want, even though I continue to drink in excess?

If a person answers yes to any of these questions, then a professional evaluation for alcohol problems may be warranted. The early detection and treatment of substance abuse can benefit the person, family, employer and community.

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