

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Computer Phobia

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I’m retired from a successful career that lasted 40 years, and I now have an opportunity to do some consulting in my area of expertise. The work involves things with which I am very familiar and find challenging. The pay is also good, and I can work from home.

The problem involves delivery of the service. I’m computer phobic, and all of the work has to be done via the Internet.

My family and many friends have been trying to encourage me for several years to learn to use the computer, especially e-mail, but I have resisted their efforts. Now I am missing another opportunity because of my fear.

Have you ever encountered people like me who have a terrible fear of learning to use computers? I’m embarrassed to admit my problem to just anybody.

-A reader in Nevada

Dear Reader:

Unfortunately your fear of using computers is not uncommon and often seen in older adults. The younger generations started using computers as part of their education, so the fear of the unknown was eliminated.

Older adults often equate using computers with the need to be a good typist and speller or to understand how electronic technology operates.

The fear of great expense or having to undertake a lot of training in order to use a computer are two more reasons why people resist using computers.

Some people feel overwhelmed by a new language that includes terms like gigabyte, cyberspace, spam, virus, and Google. Then there are those that worry about Internet pornography invading their lives or being scammed by electronic thieves.

I feel certain that some people’s fears of computers parallel their ancestors’ fears of the telephone, television and the automobile.

Finally, I have heard such reasons such as “I just want to keep my life simple, uncluttered and free from unnecessary hassle.”

Fear of making a mistake, looking dumb or starting as a beginner are also lame excuses for missing out on an opportunity to be a part of a culture that is amazing, helpful, mind-expanding and invaluable in today’s world.

I suggest that you go to your public library for several visits where computers are free, and most librarians and staff will be eager to help you start your journey. See if you don’t quickly gain confidence to overcome your fear of using a computer. Please e-mail me when you do feel confident.

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