

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Holidays opportune time to evaluate priorities

The changes that have occurred in our society since September 11, 2001, have given many individuals a new perspective on life.

• The treat of terrorism is now “in our face” and we can no longer ignore the hatred held by other people for citizens of our country.

• “Business as usual”, especially in such areas as air travel has ceased to exist. New security measures have changed us from happy go lucky , trusting people to travelers encouraged to look for anything suspicious, allow lots of time for airport check in and hope your favorite airline doesn’t have to take bankruptcy.

• We are now a country at war and have been told to expect the conflict to continue for months or even years into the future. Many of our citizens are on ships, planes, or on the ground in countries halfway around the world from the Untied States.

• Bio-terrorism which once seemed fairly remote is now in the news each day producing fears that are unmanageable for many people.

• The economic downturn has produced job losses for many individuals resulting in less money to spend on gifts, food, travel and in some cases, even necessities this holiday season.

If there was ever a time to re-examine our priorities, the holiday season of 2001 would certainly seem to be the time to do so.

For those of us of who embrace spiritual needs, nurturing our relationship with our beliefs and faith can be a high priority and give true meaning to the holiday season. Talking with our children and other family members about the spiritual roots and meanings of the holidays can help us with the stress of the last several months. Worshiping with friends and family members, singing the music of our faith, filling ourselves with the love of our God can be especially rewarding at this time of year.

Another high priority for many individuals this holiday season can be the focus on relationships, spending more time together with family members and friends. Rediscovering relationships that may have become distant or unattended to in the past, forgiving old grudges, and mending some fences can be a significant part of a healthier perspective this holiday season.

Giving to others, extending our generosity and energy to those less fortunate can make this time of year one that is filled with the true spirit of the holidays. Our gifts, our time, our love and our support for those who are lonely, without friends or family can demonstrate this true spirits.

Let this holiday season be remembered as “the one with a new perspective”. New traditions can be started at this time and be passed on to the generations yet to come.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2001

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