

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Know The 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 2

Know The 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 2

Dear Readers:

In last week’s column, I listed the first five signs of Alzheimer’s disease, from the Alzheimer’s Association’s Know the 10 Signs campaign. I will complete this topic in today’s column.

6. New problems with words in speaking or writing. People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble following or joining a conversation. They may stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue, or they may repeat themselves. They may struggle with vocabulary, have problems finding the right word or call things by the wrong name (e.g., calling a “watch” a “hand-clock”).

Typical age-related change (TARC): Sometimes having trouble finding the right word.

7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps. A person with Alzheimer’s disease may put things in unusual places. He may lose things and be unable to go back over his steps to find them again. He may accuse others of stealing. This may occur more frequently over time.

TARC: Misplacing things from time to time, such as a pair of glasses or the remote control.

8. Decreased or poor judgment. People with Alzheimer’s may experience changes in judgment or decision-making. For example, they may use poor judgment when dealing with money, giving large amounts to telemarketers. They may pay less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.

TARC: Making a bad decision once in a while.

9. Withdrawal from work or social activities. A person with Alzheimer’s may start to remove herself from hobbies, social activities, work projects or sports. She may have trouble keeping up with a favorite sports team or remembering how to complete a favorite hobby. She may also avoid being social because of the changes she has experienced.

TARC: Sometimes feeling weary of work, family and social obligations.

10. Changes in mood and personality. The moods and personalities of people with Alzheimer’s can change. They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. They may be easily upset at home, at work, with friends or in places where they are out of their comfort zone.

TARC: Developing very specific ways of doing things and becoming irritable when a routine is disrupted.

If you have questions about any of these warning signs, the Alzheimer’s Association recommends consulting a physician. Early diagnosis provides the best opportunities for treatment, support and future planning.

For more information, go to www.alz.org/10signs or call 877-IS IT ALZ (877-474-8259). The number for the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24-hour helpline is (800) 272-3900.

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 Know The 10 Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 1

Know The 10 Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 1