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Many Adults Need Information On Long Term Care

Many Adults Need Information On Long Term Care

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

My wife and I are both in our early 70s and feel that we need to explore information about long-term care. We have watched friends and family live in denial about issues of aging only to burden their family members with major decisions when failing health requires assistance. Please suggest some resources for us.

— A Reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

The Heinz Family Foundation for the Future of Aging has given me permission to provide information from its Web site on this much-needed subject.

* Does worrying about aging or disability keep you from planning for long-term care with your loved ones?
Fact: Planning helps relieve anxiety. For information, go to www.medicare.gov/LTCPlanning.

* Are you prepared to meet your long-term care needs?
For information, go to www. financinglongtermcare.umn.edu.

* Long-term care encompasses all of the services and support you may need to stay as independent as possible in any setting where you receive long-term care.
For options, go to www.eldercare.gov.

* Have you made a plan to finance the long-term care that you or your loved one may need?
For information, go to www.benefitscheckup.org and www.medicare.gov. Web resource on reverse mortgages: www.hud.gov.

* Do you know that there is a wide array of services that can help you or your loved one to continue living independently in your home or community?
For information, go to www.eldercare.gov.

* Are you and your loved ones and potential caregivers familiar with community resources that support independence?
For information, go to www.ilusa.com.

* Are you living a healthy lifestyle now? Are you up-to-date on preventive services?
For more information, go to www.ahrq.gov and www.cdc.gov/aging. Web resource on Medicare preventive services: www.medi care.gov/Health/Overview.asp

* Have you designated someone you love and trust, who also understands your preferences in terms of medical care and even final arrangements, to make decisions for you if you cannot?
For information, go to www.partnershipforcaring.org.

* Have you considered that you or a loved one may depend upon a family member or friend as a caregiver in the future?
For information, go to www.familycaregiving101.org.

* Have you discussed with your loved ones your wishes for end-of-life care that is dignified and without suffering?
For information, go to www.americangeriatrics.org.

More details addressing your question and other helpful topics on Long Term Care can be found on the Foundation For The Future Of Aging web site http://www.heinzfamily.org/tenquestions/

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