

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Now’s the time to assess future long term care needs

Now’s the time to assess future long term care needs

The need for long-term care can emerge at anytime. Children born with developmental disabilities, people in accidents, those suffering from chronic illness, and people beset by the infirmities of old age often need long term care.

Citizens for long-term care, a coalition of long-term care consumers, providers, insurers, workers, and professionals have designated October 1-7, 2002 Long-term Care Awareness Week. During this time, this group of concerned individuals will provide education about long-term care to consumers, elected officials, and the media.

Citizens for long-term care states that as the 77 million baby boomers reach the age when the need for long-term care most often occurs, necessary steps to make this care available is needed.

Following are a few of the misconceptions regarding long-term care issues.

• Almost half of Americans wrongly assume that Medicare covers long-term care cost.

• Many Americans incorrectly assume that their health insurance covers long-term care needs. In fact, only 8% of the population has long-term care insurance.

• Many believe that they are saving enough in their retirement to cover the cost of long-term care. On average, baby boomers have saved $34,000 for their retirement, yet the current cost of nursing home care averages $51,000 per year.

• Many assume that Medicaid will cover the cost of long-term in all circumstances, but Medicaid only pays for long-term care after the individual as depleted most of his or her assets.

Citizens for Long-Term Care suggest the following in helping people prepare to deal
with long-term care issues.

• Recent studies have shown that there is reluctance among adult children and their parents to talk about aging issues. People need to assess their long-term care needs in an open and honest fashion.

• Learn about the different types of long-term care available in your area including location, cost, and by whom care is delivered.

• Develop a comprehensive national long-term care policy that encourages advance planning for long-term care and integrates long-term care financing into our national financial security system.

• Learn from the experiences of friends and family members about long term care. Many provide care themselves or in conjunction with professional care givers.

Among long-term care recipients there is an overwhelming desire to remain at home as long as possible. However, if and when the individual can no longer be “taken care of” at home in an adequate fashion, then long-term care outside the home must be considered.

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