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Methods to Eliminate Panic Attacks

Methods to Eliminate Panic Attacks

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I have developed panic attacks while driving on highways. It began suddenly as I was passing a truck. I felt the desire to yank my steering wheel away from the truck, which means into the median. My heart was pounding, my palms were getting sweaty. It was frightening! Until now, I’ve been able to make excuses for not driving highways or, when I must travel, I take secondary roads.

Recently, I lost my job and I expect I will have to move from my small community to a larger city. I must be able to travel freely. Please help.

Dear Reader:

Most people experience anxiety at one time or another. In certain situations, anxiety can be valuable, such as when we help people avoid dangerous circumstances. But your panic attacks have exceeded the boundaries of advantageous anxiety. Left untreated, panic attacks can lead to panic disorder and other psychological problems.

Usually, the panic-inducing situation is one in which obvious escape would be embarrassing or impossible, such as crowded places, standing in line or driving over bridges,

Often, the sufferer begins to anticipate problems even when he is not feeling panicky or fearful, and this anxiety becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

The fear becomes part of the problem. People usually hide this problem and fail to seek help because they are embarrassed. Without intervention, the victim becomes a prisoner of his own fears.

A panic attack often first occurs during a period of high stress in the person’s life. It may have been a period of great change, such as financial problems, death or divorce.

The initial attack is usually a red flag indicating the need to consult a mental health provider trained in treating anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy, medication or perhaps a combination of both can help.

Leave plenty of time to get to your destination. Arriving early is better than experiencing stress when you’re in a rush.

Practice regular relaxation techniques — meditation, yoga, slow-deep breathing or repeating a mantra such as “I am calm and relaxed.” Consider listening to relaxing music while driving. I also recommend the book “Triumph Over Fear” by Jerilyn Ross.

Living with less anxiety is an achievable goal. Good luck in your quest.

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