

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Remembering mom in a special way can take many forms including gifts, flowers, a unique meal, or, perhaps, a card or letter.

Let me offer a thank you to my own mother who has the wisdom of a 92 year old and to all the other mothers who read this column.

Thank you, Mom, for the times you made sacrifices for me so that I could be where I am in life today.

Thank you for the times that you told me “no” when many of the other parents were saying yes or saying nothing at all. From you, I learned about healthy boundaries and limits.

Thank you for the times that you first pointed out my accomplishments before you reviewed my shortcomings. This thoughtfulness helped keep my self-esteem intact.

Thank you for the times that you helped me find the right answer or assisted me in doing a task rather than simply taking the easy way out by giving me the solution or doing the job yourself.

Thank you for the times that you made me responsible for the consequences of my choices and decisions thereby teaching me to make wise choices and learn responsibility.

Thank you for the times that you showed me that to have a friend you have to be a friend. This advice helped me develop lasting relationships.

Thank you for the times that you made me eat my carrots before I could have my dessert. Now work before play comes more easily.

Thank you mom for teaching me that I can’t please everyone all the time and further that there are some people that I can never please. From this I learned about realistic expectations and avoided false assumptions about people.

Thank you for teaching me that after I was married I was to put my spouse before my family members, friends, work and hobbies. This priority has been one of the greatest lessons that you taught me about keeping a healthy marriage.

Thank you for helping me develop a strong spiritual basis for living which has helped me deal with stress, the need for control, and dealing with a crisis.

Most of all, Mom thank you for teaching me about love, empathy, compassion and helping other people.

The lessons that you have taught me have been passed on to my children and grandchildren and your legacy is therefore immortal.

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