

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Planning key before each family vacation

It’s that time of the year again when many families take off a week or two and go on vacation. Vacations can be a very positive change of pace from normal routines. Whether you’re going to Wally World as the Clark Grisswald’s did in the classic movie Summer Vacation, head for a camp out, take a vacation by the seaside or go to a family reunion, give yourself a break and plan ahead. The benefits of vacations are numerous. You don’t have to travel far but instead, you need to change your pace, relax and have fun.

• Many vacations can broaden the mind and be an education in themselves. Historical places, museums, zoos, national parks or sampling the lifestyle of individuals in another country can all give you a new perspective and increase your knowledge about the world around you.

• Adult siblings often reminisce about family outings with parents, relatives and friends. “Remember that time Uncle Joe caught a 50 pound cedar shark and capsized the boat with all of us in it?” Or, “I remember the time we went hiking in the mountains and had to be rescued by the park rangers after we got lost”.

• Vacations can be a time for introspection and reflection. When you need to sort things out or make an important life changing decision, getting away, getting off to new surroundings for a complete change of pace can help you see your way into a new beginning or a modified lifestyle.

• Last, but not least, many say anticipating a vacation equals the pleasure encountered in being there. You may research different types of vacations, read brochures from travel agents, or seek a scenic or adventuresome spot via the internet. This way, you’re actually extending vacation benefits by feeling the pleasures of preparation and setting the stage for things to come.

Taking vacations that involve a lot of travel, packing and unpacking and living together in close quarters can be stressful. Think about elements of stress that may occur and avoid things that will detract. Many will travel by automobile. Have your car or vehicle in top running form. Work out the itinerary to plan for rest stops along the way. Let passengers switch seating arrangements periodically. Besides providing variety, it also decreases boredom. Don’t expect every minute of the trip to be free from tension and frustration. Instead, learn to develop a sense of humor. Learn to laugh at family situations and unexpected foibles. Using this time of confinement to strengthen the family unit, family vacations will become movies in the mind, unforgettable memories of the past.

Hopefully you will return from vacation with renewed zest and a new outlook, better able to cope with stress, better able to lead a healthy happy life and ready for next years vacation.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2001

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