

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Vacations good for a time of renewal

Most families plan vacations during the summer months when children are out of school. Some take advantage of winter and spring breaks, but whenever the time or whatever the reason, vacations are a time of renewal and change and are needed for psychological health and well being.

If you are tired of your daily routine, need to rekindle the creative juices, or simply to recharge enthusiasm for your responsibilities, take a vacation. The benefits of a weekend or weeks-long get-away are numerous. You don't have to travel far, it's not the distance that counts, it's the change of location.

• You can plan the trip to do what you like best, whether it is relaxing on the beach, fishing in a mountain stream, snorkeling, or playing golf or tennis on new turf, it's your plan and your vacation. Or, it can be a time to try something new, something out of the ordinary.

• Any vacation broadens the mind and is an education in itself. Visits to historical places, museums, zoos, national parks, or communicating with people in another city or country gives you a new perspective and increases your knowledge about the world around you.

• Adult siblings reminisce about family outings with parents, relatives, and friends. One individual said, "It's memories of shared events on a boat in the middle of the lake, around a campfire when we were cooking our catch of the day, or some unexpected totally hilarious event of that particular vacation that makes our reunions so special." Camera buffs pull out the photo albums and talk about the times of the past.

• Vacations are a time for introspection and reflection. When you need to sort things out or make an important life changing decision, getting away, getting off to new surroundings for a complete change of pace can help you to see your way to a new beginning or a modified lifestyle. While on vacation, the mind can deal with these perplexing challenges putting aside everything else.

• Last, but not least, many say anticipating a vacation equals the pleasure encountered in being there. You may research, read brochures, seek a scenic or adventuresome spot, concentrate on history or your family genealogy, actually extending the vacation benefits by feeling the pleasure of the preparation, setting the stage.

Whatever the reason, you should plan and enjoy a brief or extended get-away. You will return with a renewed zest and a new outlook, better able to cope with stress, better able to lead a healthy happy life.

Copyright c 1996 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

Valentines from the heart are always a hit

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