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Shift Work Can Be Stressful

Dear Dr. LeCrone:
My husband and I have three kids and he recently took a job where he is doing shift work. I see some problems on the horizon. Please help.

Dear Reader:
Those who have experienced shift work know the kinds of physical and psychological challenges that can accompany these work schedules. Not only can it produce stress on the individual, but also the whole family may experience stress as a result of the shift worker’s lifestyle.

Many factors effect the shift worker including fixed vs. rotating shifts, the
length of rotations, the kind of work being done, other family members lifestyles, etc.

Consider these challenges:

Sometimes shift workers’ schedules make family menu planning difficult.
Household duties must often be performed when the shift workers’ sleep won’t be disturbed.

For most people the internal clock works best when they work during the day and sleep at night. When changed or reset, these internal clocks may produce digestive disturbances, chronic fatigue, irritability and even mood changes.

Shift work can interfere with many routine social activities making it necessary to frequently “plan around” the shift workers’ schedules.

Here are general guidelines that can help diminish the negative effects of shift work.

• Try to maintain good health habits on all shifts.

• Eat balanced meals.

• Maintain a regular exercise program.

• Try to get the same number of hours of sleep you would normally achieve during a regular, eight-hour daytime shift.

• Don’t risk the serious problems of drugs and alcohol in trying to induce sleep.

• Keep your life as normal as possible. Indulge in sports, hobbies and recreation that you have previously enjoyed.

• Spend time with friends when possible to maintain these relationships.

• When off duty, spend as much time as possible with family. With some give and take from all family members, shift work can work. Making the best of a less than desirable work situation is possible with determination and planning. Talking about the effect of shift work on the feelings of each family member can assist in the family team effort and making the necessary adjustments that can help keep things running smoothly.

• Be philosophical about economics of the matter.

As one individual said, “With some hard work and time I will be on the day shift. For now, shift work beats no work at all.”

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2004

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