

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Spirituality helps in trying times

At this point in history, I believe many of you will agree, we are living in troubled times with a great deal of insecurity in our lives.

• War – there is great fear and concern about whether this country will remain at war for a long period of time.
• Casualties – bring grief and mourning to us all.
• The economy is in shambles in many parts of the country. Many economic advisors do not present a great deal of optimism for positive change in the near future. Some fear the crisis in the Persian Gulf will further weaken the economy. As one individual said to me recently “It is difficult to find reason for optimism anywhere.” Another feared the so-called CNN syndrome, which some experts feel increases stress and anxiety for all those who watch the daily and hourly reports. It is a period of history and a way of viewing it that we never expected – an electronic global village.

Periods of prolonged uncertainty, coupled with limitations in our ability to effect positive change, brings about stress. Many individuals lapse into feelings of helplessness and hopelessness; the result is withdrawal from their normal activities. Others escape the pain of the world around them by chemically altering their perceptions through alcohol and drugs.

Family relationships begin to show evidence of stress as healthy communication patterns break down. Commitments to each other may deteriorate, and value systems are often compromised. After long periods of stress, even those individuals with healthy self-concepts begin to question their own self-worth. Irrational beliefs, such as, “Maybe I did something wrong” or “Maybe I overestimated my own competence,” may begin to creep into their thoughts.

Decision-making often becomes impaired. Concentration and focus are often faulty. Uncertainty, anxiety and fear take up more of the conscious thought processes. Health becomes impaired as stress-related illnesses, sleep difficulties, interruption in healthy diet and physical and psychological elements of healthy, functioning individuals.

During current crises many individuals tend to overlook one of the most valuable stress management techniques available. This is the strong embrace of the spiritual elements available to all of us, which are, in my opinion the most overlooked and underutilized elements available to everyone.

Call them spiritual stress-busters if you will. They are the divine guidance that gives us the strength to keep going and the resolve to work through any difficulty. As one authority recently said, “I think people have to be in touch with something bigger than themselves to get better.”

Spiritual stress-busters can help clear the mind and provide the strength to move forward with whatever needs to be done. The news media reports many more individuals attending services in their place of worship during the past week or so, which lends further support to the feelings that we all need help coping with the stress of the present time.

Consider adding the spiritual dimension, with its many sources of strength, to your own life if you are not presently doing so. For many of us it adds hope for the future and strength in dealing with the present.

Copyright c 1991 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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