

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Substance Abuse and Aging, Part II

Substance Abuse and Aging, Part II

In last week’s column, I began a discussion of substance abuse and aging. “Early-onset” substance abusers, accounting for about two thirds of older abusers, develop problems with alcohol or other drugs early in life. The other one third of abusers, “late-onset” abusers, develop substance abuse problems later in life, frequently after a loss such as the death of a spouse or in post-retirement years when the pain of boredom, loneliness, or depression may occur.

Some of the following are possible indicators of alcohol abuse or dependency:

• Drinking or other drug use is starting to cause problems in any area of the person’s life.

• Once the individual starts drinking, they are unable to stop.

• An increased need for alcohol or other drugs over time in order to experience the
“high” that accompanies substance use.

• A pattern of craving, obsession and pre-occupation with alcohol or drugs.

Because alcohol is metabolized more slowly in older individuals, its effect, even in small amounts, can be much more pronounced as compared to the effects of the same amount of alcohol in someone who is younger. Slurred speech, imbalance and falls, daytime sleepiness, and forgetfulness are often attributed to aging, but can be related to alcohol or drug abuse. Other signs of abuse in older people may include a deterioration in personal appearance, onset or increase of difficulties with such medical problems as diabetes and hypertension, frequent hostility, suspiciousness, and lack of interest in things that were previously rewarding, such as hobbies, etc.

Alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness of certain prescribed medications and any individual taking medication should consult their physician concerning possible interaction of their medication with alcohol.

Fortunately, there are treatment strategies to assist the individual with alcohol and/or other drug problems. Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous are available in most communities. Additionally, substance abuse rehabilitation programs staffed with specialist in alcohol and drug abuse, are often available through hospitals, clinics, and other facilities.

Family members have a very important role in the treatment of elderly alcoholics. Along with support, education about substance abuse is needed and can be obtained from many sources including the internet, medical facilities, and libraries.

Help and preventative measures are available for older adults with substance abuse problems and efforts to provide assistance for these problems are often successful.

Aging parents shouldn’t be treated like children

Aging parents shouldn’t be treated like children

Substance Abuse and Aging, Part I

Substance Abuse and Aging, Part I