

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

The outdoors is a natural healer

The outdoor life is appealing and summer is the season many of us retreat to the woods, to the mountains, to the water to spend our vacation or leisure days.

If you are bound to a desk or office building, the escape and freedom of space with the sun and the wind on your back are a welcome change

Many just enjoy the beauty of the outdoors; this is therapeutic in itself, but others try sailing, water skiing or turn on the outboard motor for a spin around the lake. Some find the floating houseboat and the warmth of the sun appealing.

Some like fishing – the thrill of the catch or the slow lazy patience acquired in holding the line and waiting for the bite or sitting by the bank and watching a cork bob up and down or going after a big bass in an isolated cove.

The outdoors beckons the passive, also. I have friends who like to get a stick of soft wood and whittle a duck or a bird. Others prefer bird watching and the tranquility of observing the environment.

I know physicians who find that farming, building fences and riding a tractor to plow a field are relaxing diversions, and they seek that time to unwind; for them, it’s a change of pace.

I like to see families gather to watch children play Little League ball, to observe their own group of young swimmers and to indulge them in the pleasure of a ride at the amusement park.

As the benefits of walking are extolled for health and pleasure, I see neighbors forming groups to mark the miles together, utilizing the time for a friendly visit and healthful encouragement.

Some of my colleagues use the long summer hours for games of tennis and golf, find jogging paths that take them in new directions or hike in the woods.

No wonder the outdoors appeals to almost everyone. Becoming physically fatigued at a task, if one enjoys it, is a great way to reduce tension and can certainly produce a good night’s sleep. When one works in the yard with flowers, plants, soil and water, the mind rests as energy is burned. Although the beauty of the garden is the bonus, the therapy really began with the labor.

Friends use summer evenings for casual outdoor gatherings, a picnic, a hamburger supper or a time to visit and gaze at the stars. Children simply like the time to run and play.

Whether you live in an apartment or have a landscaped lot to maintain, the Central Texas area has all the outdoor space you need with parks, the riverwalk, the lake and the many playground areas.

Use the space and take advantage of the season. Relax and enjoy. Nature and the outdoors are our natural healers.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 1989

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