

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Tips On Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle In The Face Of Adversity

Tips On Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle In The Face Of Adversity

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

You recently provided some good suggestions to a reader fearing relapse into substance abuse. I have recently lost weight and stopped smoking but face many stressful events in 2009, including job loss and death of a parent who is terminally ill. Could you please give me some tips on maintaining these gains in the face of the problems I face?

-A reader in New York

Dear Reader:

Emotional distress is often responsible for relapses in bad habits that may have been held in check. It sounds like the potential obstacles you have ahead of you provide you with challenges to maintain the healthy gains that you have achieved.

Recognize that emotional distress needs to be effectively dealt with by learning healthier, more acceptable methods of coping. Often, a few minutes of mental diversion – a few deep breaths, a short brisk walk or mentally focusing on a relaxing scene, can overcome the desire to resume the bad habit.

After successfully overcoming the moment of temptation, give yourself a psychological pat on the back and recognize your ability to overcome craving. Reward yourself with a small gift, a movie, or immersion in your favorite hobby. Your confidence in overcoming bad habits will begin to build.
Develop a lifestyle that includes healthy stress management techniques and stick to it. Practice regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, healthy nutrition, and spiritual connectedness.

Consider getting some professional help to deal with any big losses such as death in the family or job loss. Counseling can often increase coping skills and provide you with stress reduction skills.

Don’t deliberately expose yourself to situations likely to test your willpower. For example, dining at an all-you-can-eat buffet or grocery shopping on an empty stomach may not be advisable for you. Likewise, you should probably avoid the smoking sections of public places.

Recognize and utilize support groups, family and friends. Pick up the phone and call a friend or family member if the urge to overeat or light up a cigarette occurs. Weight Watchers or Nicotine Anonymous are examples of networking with individuals sharing common difficulties.

Don’t let a stumble become a fall. Analyze the events leading up to your failed resolve and use this information to deal more effectively with similar events in the future.

Good luck on your efforts to continue a healthy lifestyle in the coming year.

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