John’s climb up the ladder to success has reached an impasse. Since he is capable of handling more responsibility than his CEO has given him, he can’t figure out what is holding him back.
A study of John’s leadership style reveals that his difficulty lies in remaining focused, in completing his thoughts and actions.
In analyzing the problem of inability to focus, behavioral scientists have found one main cause is distraction. They cite a number of reasons for the distractions.
• Anxiety. Worriers tend to skip from one thought sequence to another, giving rise to further anxiety and making the problem worse. They expend a great deal of energy worrying, which leads to fatigue. Worriers have difficulty sleeping and often experience a pervasive feeling of loss of control. Depression often becomes a part of the problem, giving rise to feelings of incompetence, fear and more worry. Thoughts and actions become fragmented. Without intervention, the problem can become severe, leading to withdrawal from all action and unwillingness to pursue productive solutions.
• Focus on irrelevant external stimuli. As a student, John often tried to do homework assignments while watching television. He never developed good study habits and had difficulty concentrating on one task or thought. He had too many things competing for his attention.
• Daydreaming. Daydreamers often create their own distractions as escape mechanisms when faced with an unpleasant or undesirable task or duty. Daydreaming for many is an escape from pain or reality.
• Fatigue. Being tired often impairs the ability to focus and concentrate and may be the result of mental or physical fatigue. Individuals with high ambition often continue to push their mind beyond the point of mental alertness. Diminished returns are often the reward of fatigued minds and bodies.
• Illness. Poor performance may require medical intervention. Healthy lifestyles and healthy bodies are need for mental alertness.
• Distraction may also be due to resistance from factors below the level of consciousness and awareness. A “blocking” type of experience results when fear of facing the situation or task at hand is due to past experiences that have been repressed below the level of conscious awareness.
John’s superiors would do him a favor by helping him analyze his problem and improve his ability to concentrate. By restructuring his work environment he could eliminate some distracters.
I often advise college students to study in the library or study hall. Individuals attempting to pursue creative endeavors understand the need for the proper environment for creative thinking, one free from distraction and emotional overload. A “Do Not Disturb” sign or a request to hold phone calls may do wonders for those in an office setting. Practicing concentration and increasing the ability to focus on the task at hand can be attained by gradually increasing one’s attention span. A good night’s sleep or short diversion from a complex task requiring intense concentration can be helpful.
When emotional factors such as anxiety and depression are the cause for lack of focus, professional help may be required.
Copyright c 1991 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.