

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

A Christmas Gift To Us All

A Christmas Gift To Us All

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

There are many people who will be alone on Christmas Day as I was 20 years ago. Perhaps my story will help someone receive a present like I did on that day when a stranger took time to help me.

My long battle with alcoholism had stripped me of family, friends, a job, and, worst of all, my desire to live.

As I lay in a Dumpster covering myself with trash to keep warm, I decided that life was too painful for me to go on living. I began sorting through the trash looking for a bottle to break in order to slit my wrists.

After finding one, I began banging it on the metal wall of the Dumpster to break it, and the noise brought two barking dogs to investigate.

Moments later their owner, an old man who lived nearby, arrived and looked inside. I will never forget his question: “Is this your idea of how to spend Christmas, or would you like to join me inside my house?”

I was astonished at his invitation and even more astonished at my acceptance. My appearance and smell would make only the most caring person desire my company, especially in their home. I also wondered why he would put himself in harm’s way by making this gesture to a perfect stranger in a very rough neighborhood.

After a simple meal of soup and bread, the best I’ve ever tasted, he began talking to me, and the conversation lasted until dawn. I really didn’t intend to spill my guts, but he somehow seemed interested in my life.

Recognizing how sick and miserable I was, he offered me a hot bath and a robe to wear while he washed my clothes. After I slept and ate, we talked again and I realized that he was telling me things that gave me hope.

I’m not sure why the old man had such an effect on me. Maybe he was just in the right place at the right time, maybe he was the father I never had, but most likely he was just someone who reached out in a caring way to someone who desperately needed help.

That old man helped me begin recovery on that lonely Christmas, and he also saved my life. I hope my story will help someone else.

-A Reader in Ohio

Dear Reader.

Thanks for your gift to us all.

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