

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

The Problem Drinker At Christmas Gatherings

The Problem Drinker At Christmas Gatherings

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I need your advice on dealing with a problem that I face on Christmas Eve.

My husband and I will be hosting a large family gathering in our home with both children and adults present.

During this family gathering, it has always been customary to serve some beverages that contain alcohol. Unfortunately, some family members sometimes drink too much.

When this has happened in the past, there have been embarrassing moments when harsh words were sometimes spoken, foul language was used or off-color jokes were told. The behavior of these few individuals always has the potential for spoiling the party for everyone else.

My husband has suggested that we do not serve alcoholic beverages, but I would like to have your opinion about how to structure our party to reduce the risk and consequences of someone having too much to drink.

-A Reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages can certainly lead to numerous problems, including behaviors which you certainly would not want children to witness. Although I am not a party planner, I have attended holiday gatherings where the hostess’s made alcohol abuse less risky in some of the following ways.

Appoint a bartender who will stay sober when he is serving alcoholic beverages. People who serve themselves alcohol may consume more than they otherwise would if the beverages were served to them.

Serve plenty of non-salty food, and plan some games and group functions, which keep people focused on things other than drinking alcohol.

Offer a large and interesting variety of non-alcoholic beverages for those people who do not drink alcohol or those who wish to switch to something nonalcoholic.

Consider “closing the bar” early and offer coffee and other beverages after that time.

Stops serving alcoholic beverages for about an hour before the time your guests leave. This may make driving safer for those who have been drinking.

Arrange transportation for those guests who have overindulged and don’t allow them to drive.

Finally, if you are aware that there are going to be guests who are problem drinkers and you feel that your risk reduction plans won’t work, consider taking your husband’s suggestion and serve no alcohol. As the old saying goes, you really should not have to drink to have a good time.

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