

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Are You Mentally Healthy?

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

As I’m sure you are aware, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. With the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech., many people are thinking more about mental health issues. Will you please review traits of mentally healthy people?

-A reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

Thanks you for your request. With the permission of the Mental Health Association of Dallas let me provide the following information on some of the characteristics of people with good mental health.

• They are not bowled over by their own emotions--by their fears, anger, love, jealousy, guilt or worries.

• They can take life's disappointments in stride.

• They have a tolerant, easy-going attitude toward themselves as well as others; they can laugh at themselves.

• They neither under-estimate nor over-estimate their abilities.

• They can accept their own shortcomings.

• They have self-respect.

• They feel able to deal with most situations that come their way.

• They get satisfaction from the simple, everyday pleasures.

• They are able to give love, to consider the interests of others, and to accept love.

• They have intimate emotional relationships that are satisfying and lasting.

• They expect to like and trust others, and believe that others will like and trust them.

• They respect the differences they find in people.

• They do not bully nor do they allow themselves to be bullied.

• They feel a sense of responsibility to their neighbors and fellow human beings.

• They do something about solving their problems as they arise.

• They accept responsibility for who they are and what they do.

• They learn from the past, live in the present, and look to the future with hope.

• They are objective enough about life to find humor even in difficult situations.

• They welcome new experiences and new ideas.

• They make use of their natural capacities.

• They set realistic goals for themselves.

• They are able to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

• They have a religious or philosophical view which gives their lives purpose and direction.

There is no line that neatly divides the mentally healthy from the unhealthy. There are many different degrees of mental health. No one characteristic by itself can be taken as evidence of good mental health, nor the lack of any one as evidence of mental illness.

Nobody has all the traits of good mental health all the time but the above examples are good indicators of mentally healthy people.

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