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Cherish your special Christmas memories

For many individuals, Christmas elicits more memories and feelings than any other holiday. Certainly Christmas makes a lasting impression. Let's look at some milestones in a person's life and see how they remember a particular Christmas.

• What is the first Christmas that you remember? Many of us remember some special time or event when our first Christmas recollections emerge. Several of my early Christmases were spent with my mother and grandparents as my father was serving in the military during World War II. On the Christmas that comes to mind, I remember my mother reading me a letter from my father who was somewhere in France. We all missed each other very much during this Christmas time and shared a strong desire to be together.

• What memory do you have of the first Christmas after you left home for the first time? This occurred for me when I went away to college. After several months I was able to come home on Christmas Eve. After a long train ride, I remember the excitement of seeing my family and knowing how much I wanted to be home for Christmas. The Christmas decorations, the smell of my mother's cooking, seeing my brother and sister, and sleeping in my own bed never seemed so good to me.

• What about your memories of a Christmas when you were a newlywed? Do you recall learning the traditions of your spouse's family, sharing your family traditions, experiencing your feelings as a new entity, a couple-team, rather than being by yourself? Or, do you remember on your first Christmas together that special gift so carefully chosen for your new spouse? My wife and I established a tradition of our own as we began alternating Christmases between her family and mine.

• Your first Christmas as a parent. Christmas takes on a whole new perspective as your child enters the picture. You are waking up early on Christmas morning, often after having had the option of sleeping a few hours later, shopping for toys, introducing Santa Claus, and most of all, experiencing the blessing of having a new life to share this wondrous time of year.

• Your first Christmas as a grandparent. Many parts of the cycle are repeated at this time, but from a new viewpoint. Somehow it is even better as the grandparent usually doesn't have to assemble the toys. Grandparents can enjoy their grandchildren without having to be responsible for discipline and therefore are the "good guys." This will be a milestone Christmas for us since this the first Christmas for my wife and me as grandparents and we eagerly anticipate hanging a new stocking over the fireplace and seeing the wonder in our granddaughter's eyes as she looks at the sparkling lights on the Christmas tree. Best of all, we look forward to continuing the tradition of reading the Christmas story to this newest member of our family on Christmas Eve.

Think back on some of the Christmas milestones in your life. Record these memories and reflections and pass them on to your children and grandchildren. Traditions are built each year and are treasured for years to come. Not all Christmas celebrations are merry. There are the bitter and the sweet. Preserve the joy of this one and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Copyright c 1997 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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