

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Childhood Insomnia

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

My 3-year-old son has a very difficult time getting to sleep when we put him to bed at night. He is our first child, so we have no prior experience with this problem. Please give us suggestions.

-A reader in Arizona

Dear Reader:

Consult your family doctor or pediatrician in order to rule out any medical explanation for this problem. Sleep disorders are not uncommon in children, and your child’s physician will have some suggestions to help with your child’s insomnia.

Next, be sure that your child’s sleeping environment is free from excessive noise, light, or other environmental concerns, such as the bedroom being too hot or too cold. A bedroom window that faces the street might be picking up loud engine noises or sirens. Heavy drapes across the window also can help with outside noise and light.

Avoid letting your child take late afternoon or early evening naps. If applicable, check with his school or daycare to see that this wish is being carried out.

Avoid overly stimulating activities just prior to your child’s bedtime. Rough and tumble games or activities, and action oriented and stimulating television shows can all produce emotional arousal, which often interferes with a child being relaxed and sleepy at bedtime. Having a calm, relaxed environment for the hour or so before bedtime is essential for healthy sleep.

Also, be sure that he is not ingesting any food or beverages containing stimulants, especially in the late afternoon or evening.

Parents need to establish a regular routine at bedtime. Bedtime should come at about the same time each night, and a warm bath or shower before bed is often a healthy part of the nightly ritual. Letting the child brush his teeth, talking about the positive aspect of his day, saying prayers or telling a story, and cuddling a little are often healthy and helpful parts of the nightly routine before to putting the child to bed.

Finally, a stuffed toy and/or favorite blanket may help him prepare for bedtime and provide security during the night if he wakes up.

Hopefully, some of these suggestions will be helpful to you. Positive results do not come all at once, so be prepared to practice these sleep hygiene suggestions over a period of time, and then continue to utilize them in order to achieve positive results.

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