

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Education more than attending classes

Recently while speaking to a group of educators, I received the following comment and request. "In your weekly column you have given parents some good suggestions for starting school off on the right foot. Now that the fall term is well underway, would you please consider reinforcing your previous efforts by reminding parents about the many virtues and benefits of education for their children."

This is an excellent suggestion, and I would start off by asking parents to recognize that education is much more than their child simply attending classes, receiving grades, and being in a protected environment while the parents work. Many parents fail to recognize the deeper significance of their child's education, and unfortunately, all too often, take for granted both the process and the efforts of those providing the education--teachers and staff.
Some of the many positive life experiences that children receive in the process of being educated follow:

• Children are given the opportunity to discover their ability to learn, solve problems, make decisions, be creative, and discover choices. Hopefully, in the process, children develop the desire to learn for the sheer joy of learning.

Motivation comes from internal needs rather than external. This desire to learn for the sake of learning overrides the child's desire to simply receive good grades, gain teacher approval, or avoid punitive measures.

One of the essential elements of learning, in my opinion, is to instill in the child the enjoyment of reading for pleasure. To encourage reading, parents needs to serve as role models and make watching television a distant alternative to finding adventure in a good book.

• Related virtues, such as learning, self-discipline, delaying gratification, and striving for personal responsibility can be learned in the classroom if the parents will allow the teachers and the school to provide the necessary structure and boundaries.

• The opportunity to learn how to relate effectively to their peers, respect the rights and property of others, appreciate diversity and multi-culturalism can all be learned at school.

• The educational setting can provide the child with the appropriate milieu to establish a healthy self-concept as a result of a positive self-regard that comes from feelings of accomplishment and growth in the educational environment.

Parents, please don't waste this once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in your child's future. Education, now perhaps more than any other time in history, is essential for the welfare and happiness of your children.

Copyright c 1997 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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