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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I am the grandmother of three beautiful grandchildren but I am facing a situation with them that was quite unexpected. My daughter is a single parent and can’t keep a job due to her drinking problem. She can’t really care for her children and I’ve been raising them for about a year now. I’m exhausted and am really feeling the stress. Do you have any advice for me?

Dear Reader:

Thank you for writing and bringing to light this very important issue. You are not alone in the situation that you are currently experiencing. According to statistics from the 2000 Census, approximately 4.5 million children under the age of 18 are living in grandparent headed households. Many parents in America are increasing becoming dependent on one or more grandparents due to a variety of reasons such as economic hardship, disability, death, child abuse or neglect, and substance abuse.

Grandparents who find that they are raising their grandchildren during their “golden years” are faced with many difficult challenges. There are many stressors involved in raising a grandchild and it is imperative that grandparents find healthy coping strategies in order to adjust to parenting at a later stage in their adult lives.

In many families, grandparents are so busy meeting their grandchildren’s needs that they neglect to take care of their own health. Proper sleep, diet and other health essentials are vital for grandparents needing the energy to raise grandchildren. Seek the advice of a physician about how to stay physical healthy and active during these later years of life.

Grandparents caring for grandchildren should also ensure that they are taking care of their emotional health. Finding time to relax and enjoy life are two of the keys to mental wellness, especially during times of stress.

For those grandparents living on fixed incomes, the burden of raising grandchildren can be difficult. Grandparents can take advantage of community resources such as public libraries, parks, recreation centers, and area churches that offer free or inexpensive activities for children and youth. Local support groups for grandparents are also great places to find answers to questions about legal and financial issues.

Grandparenting can be a wonderful experience. When grandparents become the primary caregivers, a special challenge often develops but proper planning and support can make the experience of childrearing a gift for everyone involved.

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