

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

How You Define “Old” Is Largely Up To You

How You Define “Old” Is Largely Up To You

If you are an older adult, are you tired of people treating you differently because of your age? If so, then you are probably feeling one of the “ism’s.” Along with sexism and racism, ageism is part of our culture.

In the United States and other parts of the world, youth often equals beauty, worth and consideration, whereas age often equals being obsolete, boring and unattractive.

For example, do you feel overlooked in new social situations such as when visiting a church, joining a group of mixed-age people, waiting for reservations in a busy restaurant, or seeking service in a crowded shopping mall? Do younger family, friends and neighbors make unnecessary comments like “you shouldn’t be trying to do that” or “you may want to wait for us to help you?” These statements imply that you are getting too old to help yourself.

Those of us who are baby boomers or older can cite many more examples of feeling “left behind” or undervalued by the younger generation.

Here are some things you can do to help change people’s perception of you as being “over the hill” and out of the mainstream.

First, how do you come across to other people? Do they view you as dowdy, old-fashioned and out of date? Have you completely given up trying to dress in style and lost all concern about your physical appearance?

Perhaps “retrofitting” your appearance, getting a makeover and toning your body with exercise can help you cast off the feeling and appearance of being “old.”

Why not seek out restaurants that welcome older adults, social situations, and even travel routes that appreciate and make accommodations for the generational differences that come with age?

Senior programs, accommodations, and marketing strategies are beginning to use the theme “age has its privileges.” More television commercials, movie themes, retirement centers, specialty sections of food stores, accessories for automobiles, and many other technological innovations are being developed because as the population grows older, the spending capacity of this group is more noticeable. Be aware of the political power of seniors. Make your needs and wants known to the younger generation in an assertive and deliberate fashion.

How you feel about your age is your choice and making some lifestyle changes can help determine the way you feel. How you define “old” is largely up to you.

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