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Keeping up the motivation to exercise

There is little disagreement about the value of exercise in improving the physical and psychological health of human beings. Assistance with weight management, improved sleep patterns, reduction of tension and anxiety, improvement in self esteem and feelings of accomplishment are all positively impacted by regular exercise.

Being consistent in an exercise program is important. Busy schedules, unexpected interruptions and overuse injuries are all examples of situations that can prevent consistency in regularity in exercise programs.

Following are some suggestions that can help individuals stick to their exercise regimen:

• Try to pick the time of day to exercise when you are at your best. If you are a morning person, perhaps a walk or run at sunrise would work best for you. After work, in the late afternoon or evening, might be better for the person who fills that their energy surge later in the day. Lunchtime is also good for many people who can schedule exercise at mid-day.

• Consider hiring a trainer to provide professional education and be inspiring.

• Pick a place to exercise that is inspirational to you. Some people enjoy the structure of a gymnasium or health club. Others like to be outdoors surrounded by nature. Some individuals enjoy shifting their exercise routine to different locations to provide variety.

• Combine exercise with other activities you enjoy. Walk with your dog, listen to the news or music on the radio, listen to audio presentations of books on an audiotape or CD player. Exercise with a friend or group of friends while keeping up with the latest neighborhood news or workplace scuttlebutt. Reading a book or magazine while walking on a treadmill can also make the time pass more rapidly.

• Engage in active sports such as basketball, tennis or volleyball to exercise while having fun.

Whatever you need to do in order to keep on keeping on, do it. Regular and routine exercise can become part of a lifestyle and a good habit.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2003

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