Tattooing, branding, body piercing, and scarification (cutting the skin to stimulate scar formation in specific patterns) are forms of permanent body alteration or decoration. It is estimated that in Western society, 3% to 5% of the population have tattoos, and this proportion is increasing as the popularity of tattooing increases. Surveys indicate that teenagers are the fastest growing group of new tattoo customers. The percentage of men and women having tattoos is about equal.
Body piercing, once primarily confined to pierced ear lobes, now includes the piercing of ear cartilage, the tongue, lips, eyebrows, nipples, navel, and genitals.
Branding is a more controversial form of body art and it has been used throughout history to identify prisoners, slaves, and as a form of religious expression.
Athletes have made tattooing and body-piercing much more visible to the public. Also, entertainers have made many forms of “body art” visible in our culture.
Many reasons have been given for the desire to pierce, tattoo and alter one’s body:
• Some individuals use these adornments to show allegiance to a particular group or set themselves apart from other individuals. Gang member and members of religious groups are two such examples.
• Others feel that body adornment boosts their self-esteem. Some individuals may enjoy the attention gained from having tattoos and body attachments.
• It is not uncommon for some individuals who tattoo and pierce their bodies to state that there is a very strong sexual component to using “body art” as self expression.
• Tattooing is sometimes used as an adjunct in reconstructive surgery to simulate natural skin pigmentation.
• Adolescents may use “body art” to express their feelings of rebelliousness and make a statement against the establishment.
Anyone contemplating any form of “body art” may want to consider the following suggestions:
• Will you be happy in the future with your decision to alter your body? Could the alteration interfere with future relationships or employment opportunities?
• Don’t decide to undergo body alternations while intoxicated or high from drugs.
• What are the health consequences of your decision? What is the risk of infection or complications while healing from punctures, scars, etc.?
• How much pain will body alteration cause? Are you prepared to deal with a long healing process which occurs with certain areas of body piercing?
Finally, remember that body alteration often leave a permanent mark. Consider your choices carefully.
Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2003