

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Laughter Can Be Good Medicine During Troubled Times

Laughter Can Be Good Medicine During Troubled Times

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I believe that laughter is one of the greatest ways to help people get through troubling times. Please give me your perspective on the benefits of laughter.

-A reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

There have been many studies on how laughter can benefit a person who is attempting to deal with difficult and stressful situations. Also, if you laugh a lot, you may be a healthier person.

If you would like to cultivate the art of laughter but don’t know how to change your pattern of behavior here are some thought-provoking questions to help you.

Do you ever laugh out loud, with a hearty, shaking laugh? It relieves tension and promotes good mental health.

Do you ever laugh so much you have to stop yourself from laughing? A long laugh chases the blues away.

Do you read humorous books? Find your brand of humor and keep it within reach.

Do you spend time with people who like to laugh? Laughter is contagious.

Do you watch comedy on TV or in movies? Some people get a good chuckle from the newspaper comics.

Can you laugh at your own mistakes? A faux pas can often be humorous.

If someone plays a practical joke on you, can you respond with a good laugh? Taking things too seriously can make Jack a dull boy.

At a party, can you relax and join in the fun? If you are an introvert, you don’t have to be the center of attention to enjoy other guests.

If someone offers you your pick of entertainment, do you sometimes choose things that are fun and entertaining, or do you only pick things that are dry and intellectual?

Have you ever promised yourself that you were going to find something to laugh about each and every day? On certain days, you may have to search for a laughable matter, but it will be worth it.

A yes to questions like the ones above can point you to a healthy sense of humor. You may need to lighten up a little and quit looking at everything so seriously. You can enjoy laughter and humor without being immature and obnoxious. Remember, with more time for laughter, there will be less time for stress and worry.

Laugh a little or laugh a lot. Laughter is a natural and free way to help you stay healthier and deal with difficult times.

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