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Making Your Child’s School Year Successful

Making Your Child’s School Year Successful

The start of the school year is an important juncture for families with school-age children. This is when the ground work is laid for children to gain skills and knowledge to help them become productive, self-fulfilled adults.

Parents who recognize the importance of this opportunity spend time reflecting on their family’s lifestyle, which includes setting priorities to make the child’s education successful.

Let your child know that you expect school to be among the highest priorities.

Let him also know that you hope he will see education as a challenge and an opportunity rather than drudgery and something to be avoided.

Discussing education in an enthusiastic way rather than reflecting on the end of the summer with dread creates a positive mindset for the child. Remind the student that she will be seeing school friends again, resuming activities not available during summer and embarking on new challenges.

Family routines and schedules that provide students with adequate sleep and proper nutrition are important.

Returning to the school-year sleep routine may take some lifestyle adjustments, such as an earlier dinner time and an earlier winding down of evening activities.

A regular bed time helps the child get enough rest and off to a good start each morning with enough time to dress, eat breakfast, gather belongings and get to school on time.

Show a strong interest in your child’s academic studies. Go over homework assignments in a positive and nurturing manner; talk about the topics that your child is studying.

Parent involvement in school activities such as helping with a party, a bake sale or chaperoning helps the school while also displaying to children that their parents are interested in their education.

Parents need to stress study time while limiting the time the child spends playing video games, talking or texting on phones, watching television and other nonacademic diversions. Let the child know that learning is the highest priority and help him focus his time on education.

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