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Motivation an indicator of good mental health

Lack of motivation is often named by parents as their children’s biggest problem in school. Many educators echo this concern.

What can adults do to get students motivated, and what are the characteristics of a motivated person?

• Motivated people set goals to get ahead, to do better, to be competitive. Usually self-confident, motivated people set realistic goals. They take pride in doing their best, in doing what they consider quality work. They experience pleasure in so doing.

• Often, students who lack motivation have not connected the subject matter with real-life use. It makes no sense to them to do algebra or learn to communicate effectively by writing a good essay. In the day’s lessons at school they have no enthusiasm for learning academic subjects when they see no value in the process. This is compounded when the subject matter is difficult for them.

• Motivation may be best considered as psychological knowledge as opposed to academic knowledge. Academic knowledge includes mathematics, science, history and literature. Psychological knowledge is based on feelings, thoughts and actions. To put a student on the road to motivation, one should include experiences and applications so the person can internalize the concepts.

• Role models used to be a way to stimulate motivation. Students could look toward their hero or heroine and set goals for becoming like that person, understanding that knowledge, hard work and sacrifice could lead them to that same status.

Unfortunately, role models for today’s youth often appear in sensational headlines or top the news on television in describing some unfortunate happening. It is true that not all young people choose to have the values and desirable aspects for lasting achievement.

But the process of choosing a person you most admire is still a valid way of striving for self-motivation. For example, a little girl wanting to be a ballerina quickly realizes that study, care of the body, stamina and daily practice will be needed. It makes sense to do all that is needed to become a dancer.

• Schools today place an emphasis on career paths, showing students, by carefully planned graduation requirements, the steps, experience and knowledge needed for jobs of the future. In their experience and application of these subjects and work experiences, students become motivated and set realistic goals for their future.

• Sometimes a crisis in a person’s life can change the pattern of motivation. The death of a parent, divorce of parents or a handicapping accident can change the feelings and actions of a person. When a crisis occurs, children should be given extra support and encouragement as motivation may lag for a period of time only to be renewed and strengthened as the person sets new goals.

Motivation has its peaks and valleys throughout life. But at all times and stages of life being motivated to achieve is a sign of good mental health. It is a vitally necessary for a person’s sense of worth and identity.

Copyright c 1995 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

Happiness is affected by our perceptions

Motivation an indicator of good mental health