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Post Vacation Blues

Many summer vacations are now over and as people return to their regular routines of home and work, some experience a let down lasting several weeks or even longer. The result of this return to reality is often called post vacation blues (P.V.B).

Following are some suggestions for reducing P.V.B.

Remember that “shifting gears” often produces feelings and emotions that require special attention. For some individuals, the change of coming back from a fantastic vacation into a world of work and stress elicits feelings of grief and loss. Recognizing that there is a “normal” adjustment when we encounter these changes is helpful. In the same way that we are often sad when a good movie is over or after we finish a fabulous novel, return from a great vacation includes some let down.

One possible assistance for those with post-vacation blues is to make a list of all of your friends who have lost their jobs or have jobs that are far less attractive than your own. Put this list in a prominent place for your review when you come in the door from your vacation. Likewise, your home, friends, and community are often taken for granted and provide great joy and happiness over the long haul. This “attitude of gratitude” helps people realize that the vacation was fun but the things that they return home to are the true blessings in life.

Try to avoid coming home from vacation with weight and debt that you didn’t leave home with. Make healthy nutrition, exercise, and a budget a part of your vacation to avoid problems of re-entry related to excesses.

Plan some activities that are fun after returning home. A short, mini-vacation a few weeks after a regular vacation can be something to look forward to and help you move back into the transition of home and work.

Finally, don’t feel too peculiar if you find that for the first few days after you return from vacation you want to take your meals in a picnic setting or only listen to music from the Caribbean. If all else fails, start planning next year’s vacation now and let your fantasies begin to roam again.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 2003

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