

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Psychological Characteristics Of Our Founders

Psychological Characteristics Of Our Founders

Dear Readers:

Here are some of my thoughts on Independence Day. Make it a safe and happy holiday.

As bells ring, flags wave, fireworks displays light up the sky and observances take place all across our land, let us examine some of the psychological characteristics of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence and provided the leadership for the Colonies’ fight for freedom.

Great men and women who have contributed to the making of our history frequently have many characteristics in common. As we reflect on the people in the Colonies in 1776, we find these similar traits and personalities:

* The dissidents responsible for writing and signing the Declaration of Independence and other patriots who contributed to events and ideas in this historical period were “movers and shakers.” They held onto their principles with great tenacity yet adopted very innovative ideas. “Let Freedom Ring” was their mantra.

* In some ways, these revolutionaries were what present-day psychologists call “risk-takers.” The oppressive environment imposed upon the Colonies gave our founders cause to dream of a future that submissive citizens considered impossible. True and successful risk-takers do not base their decisions on chance alone, but instead dream of future possibilities without such inhibiting phrases as “it can’t be done” or “let’s not rock the boat.” They often use the power of visual imagery to project their ideas and goals into a workable framework.

* The rugged patriots in 1776 were men and women of many walks of life. They didn’t let an inordinate need for approval or a fear of change interfere with their goals and dreams. Nor did they make their decisions impulsively but instead with a great deal of thought and deliberation.

* Hard work and self-discipline were other qualities that these people possessed. Commitment to what they believed helped them combat the stress that accompanied their monumental endeavors.

* There also existed a strong allegiance to pull together for a common cause with a sort of “all for one and one for all” attitude. These founders banded together and pledged their positions and their fortunes on the future of our country. Without this unity of ideals and dedication, their cause might have ended in failure.

So let the bells ring, the flags wave and we the people celebrate. Think of these icons and remember that their strong character and efforts are worth emulating.

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