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Recognizing good mental health

Most of us are familiar with the concept of good physical health. For the most part we can all tell when we feel good, have adequate amounts of energy, are relatively free from aches and pains and have a general zest for the physical tasks ahead of us each day, whatever they may be. If we have those characteristics we consider ourselves healthy. It is possible to be suffering from some problem, of course, that only a physical examination could reveal.

Many individuals, however, have a poor understanding of some of the chief components of good mental health. Criteria used to describe individuals who are basically mentally healthy are as follows:

These individuals are able to develop and maintain mutually satisfying relationships with those around them.

They tend to learn from experience. Rather than berating themselves for less than satisfactory accomplishments, they tend to use these experiences as opportunities to make improvements in the future.

They tend to view themselves in a realistic fashion. For the most part, they are not bound by unrealistic expectations placed on them by others.

If something does go wrong that involves them, they are willing to accept responsibility and do not always lay the blame on someone else.

Emotionally healthy individuals are able to experience the whole variety of human emotions. They know the difference between joy, sadness, love, fear and anger. They are able to recognize these common human emotions and deal with them.

They are relatively free from fear and anxiety and are thus able to venture forth into new areas of life and try new things.

They are able to accept differences and unique characteristics in others and are not bound by prejudice and rigid viewpoints. They are able to accept support from other people if the need arises. Likewise, they can be nurturing and caring in situations where they are needed.

They generally have a good self concept.

Many people falsely assume that they should possess all of these characteristics most all of the time. But because of differences in background and experience, as well as others factors such as physical makeup, we ordinarily only hope for all of these characteristics in varying degrees.

Many periods of development in life and unforeseen periods of difficulty also can affect how well we are able to achieve these characteristics of an emotionally healthy individual. Periods of intense stress, physical illness, unforeseen catastrophic changes in our lives, etc., can cause us to deviate from optimal and good mental health. At that point we cope and make the best decisions we can at that point in time and move on with our life.

Understanding the basics, however, can give us a general guideline on what we should be striving for or trying to obtain if we are looking to become emotionally healthy individuals.

Just as we should try to achieve and maintain good physical health, good mental health should also be a goal.

Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D. Copyright 1988

During a crisis, lean on someone

Decisiveness involves taking risks