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Reducing risk of teen sexual activity

Reducing risk of teen sexual activity

Last week I discussed some aspects of teenage sexuality and cited reasons for postponing sexual involvement during this time of life.

Teens can enjoy and benefit from a time of life when the emphasis is on preparing and gaining knowledge for their life work, learning social skills, developing a healthy self-esteem and enjoying life. Teenagers who become pregnant, on the other hand, must shift their focus to assume major responsibilities for childcare.

However, due to better communication and education from schools, churches, social agencies and the media, teenagers are better informed about the benefits of delaying sexual contacts and about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, some of which are life threatening. The old method of letting teenagers find out about sexuality from other teenagers is fortunately less prevalent.

Here are some practical steps teens can take to further reduce the risk of early sexual involvement.

• Develop a network of friends who share the same beliefs and value systems, who adhere to the same moral codes of their healthy families.

• Develop friends who share common interests in sports, who participate in similar activities of leisure and pleasure, who enjoy being in the company of the opposite sex without the pressure for sexual involvement.

• Avoid groups that encourage early sexual involvement as a part of their rituals, code of ethics or requirements for membership in the group.

• Avoid dating members of the opposite sex who are several years older. Sexual expectations of older partners often can lead to broken hears and sexual pressures.

• Avoid social situations where a lack of parental involvement increases the risk of sexual activity. All-night parties without chaperons, parties at homes where parents are out of town, and “loaned apartments” are all environments where problems can develop more easily.

• Be aware that using drugs and alcohol alters perceptions and judgment. Lowered defenses and impulse control, temporary changes in personality and even altered states of consciousness can occur while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

• Make it the responsibility of both the young male and female to adopt values and adhere to behaviors that preclude sexual involvement. If either party is unwilling to accept these standards, sever the relationship and seek out the company of someone willing to adopt and maintain these standards. Love is far more complex than lust driven by hormonal desire. Vigilance and commitment are necessary to keep these principles intact. The results will lead to mature relationships that are free from teen-age sexual involvement.

Hopefully, the teen pregnancy rate will continue to decline, and parents and teenagers will find that communicating about the issues of sexuality is sensible and appropriate.

Copyright c 1998 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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