

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

The Importance of Giving Others Your Full Attention

The Importance of Giving Others Your Full Attention

Shortly after the hair stylist began cutting her client’s hair, she received a phone call from a friend. She put the phone between her neck and shoulder and began talking.

The telephone conversation concerned local gossip and plans for the stylist’s weekend. Throughout most of the paying customer’s appointment, the stylist shared the client’s time with her friend on the telephone and finished the call just in time to collect her money.

While dressing her child and fixing his breakfast, the young mother “networked” with several of her friends on the speaker phone and also tuned into the morning T.V. show to catch the latest news. It was not surprising that the child walked out the front door to meet the school bus without his coat or books.

As the husband entered his front door after work, he grabbed the mail from the mail box, turned on the sports channel, and began sorting the mail while watching his favorite team in action. His wife entered the room with a cheery hello and a desire to talk about her day but instead she became part of a tug of war for his attention.

Whether in the workplace or in the home, inattention can lead to strained interpersonal relationships and sends a signal to others that listening simply isn’t a priority and caring is not valued.

In the workplace, not listening to what the consumer is saying can make him feel unimportant, overlooked and ignored, and may lead him to look elsewhere for his needs.

The impact of inattention in family relationships can create feelings of neglect and unimportance and can give rise to unhealthy feelings and further communication problems.

Active listening involves more than just hearing, it means that we, the listeners, are in tune to someone else’s words and feelings. Listening with attention involves thinking not only about the words spoken but also involves interpreting and responding to what is being said.

Good listening skills are learned and need to be practiced. In a world of global technology, high-speed Internet and a demand for productivity, effective listening is essential. Likewise, healthy families depend on effective listening between parents and their children listening to each other.

Remember, it is with attention and a sense of caring that we can truly reach
those around us both at work and at home. Consider giving those around you your undivided attention and discover the power of meaningful personal and professional relationships.

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