

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

 Ways To Keep Your Job Secure

Ways To Keep Your Job Secure

Do you feel secure in your job or worry that you might be laid off or replaced in this country’s struggling economy?

Most individuals in the work place want and need to keep their jobs. If you think that your job will be there for you if you simply stay out of trouble, don't rock the boat, and do what is necessary to get by, you may find a pink slip waiting for you one day at work. Perhaps you may need to review your job performance and value to your employer. Here are some guidelines.

• Never assume that you are indispensable or irreplaceable. Falling into a pattern of doing only what you think is necessary to keep your job may be making some false assumptions. Letting your employer know that you are enthusiastic about improvement, willing to change for the sake of improvement, and exhibiting a creative attitude about your job will all make positive impressions.

• Strongly resist the temptation to shift responsibility in your job to coworkers. Seizing the opportunity to help a fellow employee who lags behind or becomes overwhelmed in his or her job can make a very positive impression on your employer. A member of the team who is perceived by the employer as willing to pull more of the load often makes a good impression, while other simply "adequate" employees may be terminated.

• Make every effort to be positive about your job and workplace. Complaining about the people you work with, the product you sell or service you engage in without creating any ideas for improvement can create an unhealthy and unwanted environment.

• Strive for clear and effective communication. If you don't understand directions or requests, ask for corrective feedback or more information. If you feel that communications from you are being ineffectively received, make remedial changes.

• Continue to learn. Don't wait for your employer to tell you that there are new techniques available that might assist you in your job.

• Be dependable, on time and avoid absenteeism.

• Make every effort to get along with your coworkers. Many well qualified people lose their jobs because they are not good team players.

• Know and understand the mission standards and values of your organization.

• Consider your job an asset like you would your family, health, home or car. Abuse or neglect of any asset may eventually result in breakdown and loss so don’t let this oversight happen to you.

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