

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Will You Be My Valentine?

Will You Be My Valentine?

Dear Dr. LeCrone.:

I kept an article that you wrote for Valentine’s Day in one of your past columns. It began with the question “Will you be my Valentine?” Could you share this article with your readers again? It meant a great deal to me.

-A reader in Texas

Dear Reader:

I think this is the column that you are referring to. I hope you and other readers enjoy its message.

Will you be my Valentine?

This question will be asked tomorrow across the land by many people in many ways as they participate in the tradition of exchanging hearts, flowers, cards, candy, and, perhaps, e-mail greetings as expressions of love.

Love has more than one level of meaning and expression. To use the word love to express care, concern, compassion, and deep friendship for each other may send a message which is intense, committed, and rewarding. A deep friendship between people is often described as mutual love.

Parents have a deep and abiding love for their children. Children bond with love for their parents, but the highest form of love is the love between a person and his or her God.

The word applies appropriately to all of these situations, but a different and unique set of feelings exist when two people are “in love.” Filled with romance and passion, being “in love” is not found in any other relationship. I have seen this kind of love exist between newlyweds as well as those who have been married for over 50 years.

Being “in love” does not imply that the relationship is free of problems and that disagreements will not occur. Let’s look at a few of the things that being in love means:

• We want to be together in a long term relationship much more than we want to be apart. We are best friends as well as lovers.

• We both know that there is a willingness and commitment to overcome any and all obstacles which may emerge and threaten our relationship.

• We work to make our love and our commitments to each other come before everything including our work and leisure time activities.

• If we ever feel that we are falling out of love, we will search for a spark sufficient enough to restart the flame.

• We have never stopped saying I love you.

Here’s wishing you and your valentine a Happy Valentine’s Day.

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