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Aged share secrets of longer life

One way to compliment a good cook is to ask for the recipe. And that is what gerontologists are doing as they study the aged who are living healthy happy energetic lives.

They are asking: How did you do it? What causes you to age so well? Tell us the ingredients.

While genetics is the obvious answer, the same factors of disease, lifestyle, nutrition, diet, exercise and stress affect almost everyone. And the results are not always the same.

Mixed in the puzzle of what makes one person age so well, and another not as well, are the positive factors of a home, good mental health, a good sense of humor and acquired coping skills.

Is it sleep and rest? Studies have not concluded whether the aged need more or less sleep, but most agree that seven to eight hours of sleep each night is essential. Information points to the fact that the aged are definitely more active in the morning hours.

As the recipe develops, there is strong reason to believe these factors influence aging and contribute to a better state of older age:

• No smoking.
• Moderate use of alcohol.
• Proper weight maintenance.
• Eating a hearty breakfast.
• Proper exercise.

Life may not really begin at 40. With the emphasis on more active lifestyles for the aged, the decade to watch for may be the beginning of the second 50 years. Still, a good time to begin planning for the latter years is in the 40s.

• Good health is associated with good friends and companions. So, establish friendships that will sustain you and interest you. Don’t depend on your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews to entertain and include you in their social circles.

• Get involved in a community activity. Be useful to your neighborhood or lend your wisdom and experience to a local or political organization.

• Have a hobby.

• Give some thought to a second career or part-time work after retirement.

• Further your education. Enroll in a continuing education class or check out a book and study something you never tackled before. Remember the brain functions on use, not disuse.

• Plan for your health care. Continue to treat yourself well and have regular checkups with your doctor.

Each day more than 5,000 Americans celebrate their 65th birthday, making a present total of more than 29 million senior citizens. By the year 2,000 one in seven Americans will be 65 or older.

Studies show that the lifespan is not necessarily increasing as life expectancy remains at 74.2 years. The really important news is that if the right ingredients are present, the time will be richer and fuller.

Ask the elderly for more of their secrets.

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