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Answering questions from young readers

Answering questions from young readers

Recently I received letters from the students in an eighth grade reading class in a city in Louisiana. I want to thank these students and their teacher for taking the time and effort to write me with their questions and concerns. Although I cannot answer each and every request in this column, I will respond to a few of the letters answer others under separate cover.

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

I read your article in my newspaper and I wanted some advice about some dating problems I have been having. I think that my boyfriend is cheating on me because last week I got a letter from some other girl who said she saw him with another girl. I was really mad and I asked him if it was true and he said it was not. What should I do? Believe him or not? Thanks for your time. Signed: Confused and Helpless.

Dear Confused and Helpless:

If you really like this boyfriend, then you might risk giving him another chance, but let him know your expectations. At your age, remember there are many other fish in the sea if things don't work out. Good luck to you.

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

My favorite goals in life are to play football as a wide receiver and to sing for my own rock band. I want to try and accomplish at least one of these goals in my life, but I don't know if I can do either one of them. Please help me decide which one.
Signed: B.C.

Dear B.C.:

Let me suggest that you focus first on completing your education and making sports and hobbies secondary activities. Good students usually develop self-discipline, creativity, and a solid core of knowledge basis providing for the base for many different careers. Don't give up your dreams, just try to keep them in the proper perspective. I wish you well.

Dear Dr. LeCrone:

My problem is that I have a problem with smoking and I can't stop it, but I sort of like it and my mom wants me to stop and I want to, but it is too hard. Do you have some advice for me because I do want to stop? I am only thirteen years old and it is not a good habit. Thank you. Signed: J.C.

Dear J.C.:

You're half right by saying, "It is not a good habit. The other half is smoking is a killer. Tell your mom that you want some help with this problem and contact your local medical association, American Cancer Society Chapter nearest you, or a hospital about smoking cessation programs. Let me compliment you on wanting to quit and assure you that with some strong commitment and desire on your part, you should be able to stop. Hang tough.

Next week I will continue with these concerns from very young readers. They impressed me with their sincerity and search for answers.

Copyright c 1996 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

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