

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Children can learn a lot from each other

Children can learn a lot from each other

More emphasis is being placed today on qualities of emotional development. Educators have long known that students need to learn skills in cooperation, self-confidence, respect for self and others. Knowledge alone may not make a person the most successful in his or her field. It also takes the skill of getting along with others.

In the classroom teachers have always assigned group projects so that students can share and learn from one another. Many students will learn more from a cooperative learning lesson than from a teacher's lecture or explanation. Students who study only independently, who never seek help from the teacher usually do not perform as well as students who meet in groups to exchange thoughts, critique, analyze, and synthesize.

In the home, students should have the opportunity to work independently, to study and prepare their work and then share these ideas with their parents, an older sibling, or a study partner. Parents, however, should not assume complete management of homework by insisting that the work be done and redone until it reaches perfection. Many parents who fear that their child will make a bad grade extend too much help in checking homework, even completing some of the work themselves. In wanting to teach them to be the best student possible they often fail as the child does not learn responsibility and self-reliance. Offering encouragement and assistance is the rule, then letting them make the decision about when they feel they have completed the assignment.

In working together in the home or in the classroom youngsters learn to share their talents as well as their knowledge. And this extends to life-long skills in working in the market place. Nearly every business and profession today requires a staff that will work together as a team. Expertise in many areas is necessary for successful productivity. Divergent thinking is usually the first step toward convergent thinking. And creativity is sparked when ideas are brain-stormed and explored. Technology affords the opportunity of limited research and study.

Sharing people usually have these qualities:

• High self-esteem. They are happy with themselves, feel good about themselves.

• Open-minded. They have strong opinions, but are open to suggestions and respect the opinions and ideas of others.

• Clear-minded. They are able to seek solutions and share and digest information.

• Fair-minded. They don't tack labels on other people or make unqualified judgments based on surface actions or expressions.

• They are do-ers. They believe in getting involved, in utilizing the strengths of others and to learn from the experience.

Parents who wish to instill these qualities in their children can start with teaching them that each of them is unique, with abilities to be discovered and developed. Sharing their strengths and working with others usually strengthens their weaknesses.

There is an old adage that says:

I can teach you anything that I know, and I will still know it. I can share everything with you, and I will still have it. I will lose nothing in the process, but surely gain something because you may share with me.

Copyright c 1996 Harold H. LeCrone, Jr., Ph.D.

Answering questions from young readers

Answering questions from young readers

Divorce especially hard on the children

Divorce especially hard on the children