

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Best Christmas gifts not in boxes

Ho. Ho. Ho. Are you exhausted? Have you given up on the idea of finding the perfect gift for that certain person? Or, have you checked off every name on your list and found that something is still missing/

It may be intangible because you can’t put your finger on what’s lacking, but you wish you could do a little more for those especially close to you. Your wallet is a little flat; you don’t want anything that needs to be assembled or needs batteries, nothing that will break or wear out before you take the tree down.

Take heart and draw near because I would like you to consider giving those individuals a gift of psychological revelance, something personalized and more valuable than material presents.

For your children give the gift of unconditional love. Make a new commitment to them, or a renewed commitment if there has been a break in the past. Unconditional love means you love your children no matter what. You may not approve of their behavior. You may not like their attitude. Their lifestyle may be different from yours, but you will let them know that you love them.

For your spouse give the gift of active listening. This means looking him or her in the eye, giving them your total attention. Put aside all activity while they are communicating to you their thoughts. Find a quiet place where distractions won’t interrupt either of you. Listen, really listen. The effect on your relationship can be astounding.

For your parent or parents express gratitude for the endless number of things they have done for you. Let them know you are not taking them for granted, that their love and generosity has not been forgotten. Give them an extra hug, an extra phone call, with an expression of your love for them.

For your best friend extend an invitation to do something together, a movie, a play, a concern, a shopping expedition, a long walk. Make it a time to visit and share the fact that he or she is really special, not just an acquaintance, but a confidant, a true friend. Reaffirm that you will be there when you are needed.

For your employer send a strong message that you are part of his or her team and you can be depended upon as a player. Let your employer know you appreciate his or her efforts and that you understand the demands and frustrations of being a manager. Give the gift of loyalty.

For your employees convey the appreciation you feel for a job well done. Even though you don’t say it every day let them know you recognize quality work and realize the team would miss their contribution if they were not there. Give the gift of trust and confidence.

Last, but not least, give yourself a gift. Take a good look at yourself; externally, look at your features, internally, think about your achievements, your talents, your characteristics.

Realize that you are unique, that there is no one else like you. With all your good and not so good points, you are not perfect. No one is.

But your gift to yourself is to look at yourself and say I am worthwhile person. I have many gifts to give others. I will not measure my worth by what others consider success, but I will determine what gives me inner happiness.

This Christmas and all the Christmases to come, I will have peace.

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