

I’m an experienced Clinical Practitioner, Administrator, Professional Writer, and Lecturer.

Father's Day

Father's Day

Today is Father’s Day for many American men. Having been a father myself for over thirty years, I enjoy this special day and can count on receiving a least one neck tie, assorted cards and a lot of love from my three grown children.

Advertisements would make an observer believe that the purpose of this special occasion is to adorn fathers with gifts. Mothers and children often get together to prepare a Father's Day feast. Someone unfamiliar with our culture might wonder if this day was designed to fatten up old dad. Since the date falls in June, we may remember and associate the day with vacations. If you are an adult and your father is still alive and living in another city, you may call him to reminisce and let him know what your relationship with him really means.

If your children are young enjoy them while you can as they will grow up before you know it. Be involved in their education, their extra-curricular activities and their spiritual growth.

However, what I really believe is that the most important purpose of Father's Day is to let our children know that we love them and cherish our relationship with them. For that reason, I would like to share with you a poem written by an adolescent who used it as a Father’s Day card.


Looking into the eyes of someone I know well,
Seeing the details of my life unfolding before me in the mirror,
I can find the pattern of another in my life.
When I look hard into my face I can see you there,
When I listen to my voice I can sometimes hear your wisdom,
When I face a difficult trial in life I can feel your hand on my shoulder.
You are part of who I am and who I will be.
True, we do not agree on all aspects of life,
And we are sometimes worlds apart,
But still you play a definite role in who I will become.
So when it seems we cannot agree or compromise,
And we lose sight of where we are going,
Remember that we are always linked together by one common thing,
That of the love between father and child.

Happy Father’s Day to all of us fathers.

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